The Leibniz ScienceCampus is strategically steered by the Board of Directors that consists of the President & CEO of FIZ Karlsruhe and the Vice-President Research of KIT, with the spokesperson and its Coordinators as permanent guests. The Administrative and Scientific Coordinators carry out all operational tasks and follow up on milestones and deliverables. They coordinate the Research Clusters and Dimensions, partners and communication activities. The researchers work in the respective research clusters, dimensions and use cases, both on specific questions as well as on overarching topics. At the meta-level, they reflect together on the effects of digitalisation within and outside the academic system and identify solutions to challenges that arise.
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Horstmann
- Open, networked platforms
- Research data management
- Information infrastructure
- Library technology
Prof. Dr. Oliver Kraft
- Research Management and Open Science in STEM
Speaker and Coordinators
Matthias Razum
- Research Data Management
- Digital Preservation
- Information Infrastructure
- Project Acquisition & Management
Dr. Felix Bach
- FAIR Research Data & Information Infrastructure
- Software Development
- Intelligent Systems
- Theory of Science
Dr. Christiane Noe
- Inter- and transdisciplinary research
- Learning and Co-Creation
Dr. Claudia Niesser
- Epidemiological sports science with a focus on health, especially children and adolescents (population health science)
- ʹDigital Healthʹ and ʹDigital Humanitiesʹ: interface between sport science, social science and applied computer science
Dr. Katja Klemm
- Reseach Data Management
- Motor ability testung
- Health and acitivity throughout the life span
Silvia Becker, M.Sc.
- Machine Learning
- Simulations of the heart
- Atrial fibrillation
Lea Sophie Singson
- Intellectual property law
- data privacy protection
- general contract law
Dr. Raphael Morisco
- Human factors in security and privacy
- Privacy and security awareness for researchers
- Media literacy and IT security
- Security education
- Mental model
PD Dr. Axel Loewe
- Computer Modeling & Simulation
- Cardiology
- Electrophysiology
- Biomechanics
- Biomedical Engineering
- Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Anna Jacyszyn
- Formal representation of knowledge
- Semantic technologies
- Knowledge graphs
- Ontology engineering
- AI-based knowledge mining
- Explainable AI
- Large language models
- Natural language processing
Dr. Tobias Kerzenmacher
- Atmospheric processes
- Chemistry and Dynamics
- Research data management
- Data analysis
- Satellite data and climate model data
- Metadata
- Statistical methods
- Validation
- Climate services
Dr. Linda Nierling
- Digital transformation
- Methods and concepts of technology assessment
- Socio-technical contexts: Digital work and assistive technologies
- Qualitative research methods: expert interviews, narrative interviews, case studies
Constanze Scherz
- Co-design of knowledge
- Inter- and transdisciplinary methods
- Technology assessment
- Knowledge transfer to society
- Digital transformation processes
- Policy advice
Prof. Dr. Franziska Boehm
- Data protection
- Protection of fundamental rights in the context of digital transformation
- IP challenges
Dr. Sabine Barthlott
- Research data management
- FAIR research data
- publication of research data
- composition of the Atmosphere
- Trends und longterm measurements of trace gases
Ely Nova Natalia Silaban
- (Sensitive-) Data protection
- IP-Law
- Legal aspects of Digital Transformation
Christian Bonatto Minella
- Repositories
- Standards
- Data Policies
- Scientific Communication
- Networking
Prof. Dr. Melanie Volkamer
- Human factors in security and privacy
- Mental models
- Usable security and privacy
- Security and privacy awareness
- Security education
- Electronic voting
Prof. Dr. Harald Sack
- AI
- Knowledge Representation
- Machine Learning
- Large Language Models
- Research Data Management
Marius Albiez
- Technology Assessment
- Sustainable Development
- Knowledge Transfer
- Transdisciplinary Research
Dr. Ralf Schneider
- Science communication
- Knowledge representation
- Technology assessment
Hannah Zimmermann
- Reseach Data Management
- Motor ability testing
- Health and acitivity throughout the life span
Leonie Seng
- Ethics of AI
- Philosophy of technology
- Science communication
Angelina Sophie Dähms
- Environmental and sustainability research
- Socio-ecological transformation
- Empirical social research
- Party and election research
Scientific Advisory Board
- Information Retrieval
- Natural Language Processing
- Knowledge Graphs
- Web Science
- Computational Social Science
Prof. Dr. Monika Jungbauer-Gans
- Trajectories and determinants of scientific careers
- Health
- Education and the labour market
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gramelsberger
- Digital transformation of science
- Reflective modelling and simulation
- AI in research
- Theory of computational neuroscience
- Modelling and mark-up languages
Regine Stein
- Digitalization and Opening up of Science
- Research Data Infrastructures
- Knowledge Graphs
- Data Science and AI